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Horseradish Leaves How to Use

Horseradish leaves are edible, full of vitamins and trace elements, raw or cooked, and contain a huge amount of goodness for everyone, for FREE! They can be kept in the fridge for up to 5 days, a bit like lettuce, and are a great substitute for sandwiches and combined with cabbage. Add the whole edible leaf to green and grain salads or roughly chop and add to vegetable dishes or blend and incorporate into salad dressings. Combine Horseradish edible leaves with fresh Basil when making pesto or other sauces and smoothies.

Leaves grow really fast, once picked, you can pick again in a week or so, and they go on producing leaves. Unlike lettuce, they are here to stay, as next year they produce even more leaves, as they are winter hardy.

Some people say the leaves are strong in taste, but the ones I have eaten are very, very mild in flavour, I am sure this depends on where you grow them and how much you water them.

You can remove the stem, and cut, or mince up whats left. Great if mixed in with cabbage, during the cook. This also means your greens go further.


Blanching, shocking and freezing is, hands-down, a good method for preserving horseradish greens. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil, drop in the greens, cook for a few seconds until wilted, then transfer to an ice bath.

When they're chilled, remove the greens, squeeze out most, but not all of the water, then put into a plastic bag, seal tightly, label, date, and freeze.