Terms of Purchase

We have taken advice from The Office of Fair Trading in creating these Terms of Purchase, which is the contract between ourselves and the buyer. The Buyer agrees to these terms when making a purchase.

Distance selling rules and regulations DO NOT apply to any of the following items as outlined in the The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 (CCR) - These regulations cover the sales of most kinds of goods and services at a distance

Exceptions to cancellation rights under the Consumer Contract Regulations.

Perishable food products or goods that deteriorate, like plants.
Bespoke goods made to order.
Perishable goods can be returned, but only if they are covered with a eat by date, that has expired on the delivery date.

When don’t the Consumer Contract Regulations apply to distance selling?

The above and ....Items with a value less than Worth £42 or less.  

Because we ship a live perishable product, and we are not there to look after plants, responsibility for the care of our products, is the responsibility of the customer on delivery.

Because the items we ship are classified as perishable, please make sure there is someone at the delivery address to accept orders, as we cannot be held responsible for delayed shipments, or the fact nobody was available to accept the delivery.
We will not accept any claims for rejected deliveries, or when nobody is available to accept them. We notify buyers, usually on the day of despatch, but buyers need to be aware that items can arrive at any time after the order was placed.

Our extensions to what your entitled too.

Distance selling rules do not apply to perishable goods, but we have put together a few additions to your rights, if you change your mind about your purchase.

We will accept returns but only on the following basis, and notification, and despatch must be made within 7 days of receipt.

The items you return to us, must be in the same condition, when we receive them back, as we sent them, EG on the day we receive them they must be not dead, broken, damaged, stunted. They must be in a condition that we can supply them to someone else, EG a quality you yourself would be happy to receive. So we suggest an overnight carrier, next day delivery service.

You will pay for return carriage, and you will not be refunded for the initial delivery charge because this service was completed, and paid to an outside business.

Other terms

If you paid by an external payment processing system like PayPal, you are bound by UK distant selling law rules, and our sales agreement. The customer agrees with our contract at the time of sale.

Most orders are shipped within 2-3 days, some the same day.
All orders are shipped on a first placed, first served basis.

When selecting product for shipping, we aim to supply you with the best quality available. Older product which is larger and more established will be selected first. We have been selling product for over 50 years, we have only succeeded in doing this for such a long time, by supply a quality product at a competitive price.